Fun Celebrations: How and Why We Should Celebrate Girls’ Positive Behavior

Positive psychology is the idea that by reinforcing good behavior and focusing on character strengths, we can live a life of meaning and purpose. We believe that girls can flourish if we encourage them to do things they are good at and enjoy to provide positive meaning. 

Hand-in-hand with positive psychology celebration. Children are seven times more likely to repeat behaviors that get attention, even if those behaviors are negative. By celebrating positive behaviors, we create a way to demonstrate how enjoyment is an essential part of life and continue to reinforce positive behaviors. 

So when should we celebrate girls’ positive behavior? Here are some things to know and fun ways to celebrate. 

Implement a Reward System

One of the most tried-and-true types of positive reinforcement is a reward system such as a chore chart. When your child does something they’ve been tasked with, provide a positive reward. It can be as small as a fun sticker on a chart for everyday tasks or a fun outing or gift when they’ve achieved something bigger. 

Focus on Family Traditions

Celebrations don’t always have to be about rewarding behavior; they can also be a tradition you have as a family. Whether it’s a social or cultural holiday, these types of celebrations can give your girls something to look forward to and prepare for, which can breed positive behavior. Think about common traditions like Santa Claus. Children are asked to be on their best behavior for the holiday magic to happen. 

Prioritize their Interests and Talents

Some girls are resistant to positive behaviors because they don’t feel connected to the task at hand. If you can prioritize their interests and talents, you can encourage them to do jobs they don’t love with the excitement of the tasks they do enjoy. There is also a psychological concept called “task bundling.” You may already do it and not realize it. You might exercise while watching a favorite TV show that you save exclusively for working out. You can also do this with your girls by pairing a less desirable task with an exciting one. 

Use Clear Communication 

Throughout this whole process, the key to success is clear communication. When you don’t communicate your expectations to your girls, they can miss important factors. It’s also vital that you don’t allow your frustration to affect their performance. For example, if they don’t complete a task according to your expectations, you can’t take away previously earned rewards. This only sends the wrong message. Instead, express why it’s important that they complete the task and reinforce the positive reward once it’s finished.

Fun Celebration Ideas

If you’re looking for some fun celebration ideas, consider these ideas. 

For younger children: 

  • Bake a cake
  • Spend the afternoon together watching a movie
  • Host a friend
  • Pick out a new book or toy

For older children: 

  • Adjust their curfew 
  • Take them shopping
  • Offer more screen time
  • Give them car privileges

We would love to hear from you! How do you celebrate your girls’ positive behavior?