10 Ways to Be Thankful All Year Long

It’s not uncommon to see a lot of blog posts in November about gratitude. Many brands look at the time around Thanksgiving as a marketing tool to create a message of gratitude that they’ll abandon as soon as the holiday season is over. And that’s the message often sent to our children at this time of year. This is why we feel it’s essential to change the narrative and use Thanksgiving as a time to teach our girls how gratitude can change their mindset if they practice it all year long.  

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart, it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude.” –Winnie The Pooh by A. A. Milne 

Here are ten ways you and your girls can show gratitude all year long. 

1. Lend an Ear 

When the people around you have something to say, really listen instead of worrying about how you want to respond. 

2. Invite Another Child on an Adventure 

Encourage your girls to invite others to join in their adventures, whether that’s playing team sports or pretending in an outdoor game. 

3. Offer to Help  

Nothing says “Thank You” quite like offering to do a chore that isn’t a lot of fun. Encourage your girls to help out whenever they see something they can do. 

4. Look for the Silver Lining

Ask your girls to look for the silver lining whenever they have a bad day or are sad about something not going perfectly. What’s one good thing that came out of the experience? 

5. Compliment Each Other 

Talk to your girls about appropriate compliments. Let them know they can and should praise their friends for their bravery, strength, experience, and accomplishments. 

6. Learn to See Things in a New Perspective   

People who challenge our way of thinking are valuable. Teach your girls to put themselves in someone else’s shoes to consider their perspective. 

7. Introduce Friends to Friends  

Sometimes the most significant gesture you can make is introducing the people in your life to one another. Make connections and watch them bloom. 

8. Leave a Tip 

Teach your girls about leaving tips for service workers whenever you’re at a restaurant or grabbing a coffee. Especially today, service industry employees need to be appreciated for what they do. 

9. Write a Thank You Note

Teach your girls to send handwritten thank-you notes. It’s easy to send a quick text, but everyone loves to get physical mail. It’ll bring a smile to someone’s day. 

10. Start a Happiness Jar 

Make gratitude last all year long. Put a jar out in an easily accessible place. Every day, encourage your girls to write one thing they were grateful for that day. Then, at the end of the year, open the jar and look at all the memories. 

How will you and your girls show gratitude this year and into 2022?