Giving Back to the Community During the Holiday’s

You don’t have to look far in December to see messages about being kind and generous to those in need around the holidays. A hard year in 2020 has magnified that need for so many. The holidays can also be a good time to teach our girls that the season isn’t just about lights, presents, and food. It’s also a time to show kindness and empathy to others. 

This time of year is often filled with gatherings for social good and family activities, but the rise in COVID-19 infections is a real concern. Keeping your family safe, including children as well as vulnerable family members, should be a top priority for this season of giving. Let’s take a closer look. 


The spirit of charity and giving back to the community is also a big part of the holiday season. Many organizations are struggling without the ability to have help from volunteers this December. There are alternatives to volunteer gatherings, even if they don’t feel the same as usual. The United Way of Atlanta offers several suggestions

Some options include: 

  • Online storytelling
  • Sending letters to healthcare workers, military personnel, and elders in assisted living
  • Collecting toys, clothes, and food for local charities
  • Participating in virtual activities with your faith community 


Money is also a big factor during this time of year and organizations struggling can always use more funds. Teaching your girls to save money, specifically with charitable giving in mind, is always a great way for children to learn financial management and the importance of giving back. 

If you give your girls an allowance, encourage them to split that money into three piggy banks. One is for savings, one for spending, and one for giving. They can donate the money they save for the community to a charity that is important to your family.

Age-Appropriate Activities

This holiday season will look very different for everyone and that can affect your girls’ experience. It will be important to incorporate age-appropriate seasonal activities to help them feel normal. For instance, your girls can make crafts and help with indoor or outdoor decorations. You can bake cookies or other treats and deliver them safely for your neighbors to enjoy. 

This website gives lots of ideas for age-specific activities you can incorporate into your holiday traditions this year. 

We want to hear from you. How will you give back to the community? What new holiday activities will you be doing this year?