Summer Heat Safety: Skin Care, Sunscreen, and Hydration

Summer is where we make some of our best memories as children. We’re out of school, out with friends, at camp, or swimming. Whatever your girls will remember most about the summer, make sure that summer heat safety is at the top of the list every day. The sun can damage the skin, and heat can cause dehydration, exhaustion, and worse. Here are some tips for staying safe this summer. 

Summertime Skin Care

The skincare routine for children will largely depend on their age. For babies and toddlers, bathe them every day with a gentle cleanser. This is especially important in the summertime because of the possible buildup of dirt and sweat. Older children, especially those entering puberty, may want to add an acne treatment or prevention to their routine. You can learn more about skincare for girls here. 

How to Pick the Right Sunscreen

Another critical component of skincare for children is sunscreen. There is a misconception in the BIPOC community that sunscreen is only necessary for light skin, but that’s not the case. Everyone can experience sun damage over time or even sunburns in the short term. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that filters both UVA and UVB rays. Avoid tinted or scented sunscreen or those that contain parabens. Choose zinc oxide or titanium oxide and 30 SPF or higher. 

What to do After a Sun Burn

If you or your child do experience a sunburn, follow these steps:

  • Get out of the sun
  • Use a cool water bath or cloth to soothe the skin
  • Use products containing aloe vera
  • Ibuprofen can help with the pain
  • Don’t pop blisters
  • If your child has symptoms of nausea, vomiting, cramping, or dizziness, call the doctor right away

Be sure to use sunscreen every time you and your children are in the sun and reapply regularly. While sunburns do happen, and most can be managed, sun damage can create long-term problems that don’t appear until well into adulthood. 

Staying Hydrated in the Heat

Another concern for summer is dehydration. When our bodies are hot, we lose water faster through sweating. Increasing water consumption while outdoors or engaging in physical activities is crucial. Water is best, so be sure to encourage plenty of breaks to drink. You can also use sports drinks to add essential electrolytes to your system. Learn more about dehydration in children here

Sun Smart Summertime Rules

To stay safe in the summer, here are just a few rules that you and your girls can follow: 

  • Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going out and reapply every 2 hours
  • Stay hydrated
  • Never let children swim alone or without adult supervision
  • Seek shade if you feel hot

For more information about summer sun safety, contact Ladybug for Girls.